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Welcome Note



As a commitment on our part to the requirements of modernity in the fields of work entrusted to us as a responsibility, our future vision is based on anticipating future prospects and a smart vision for the corporation in a form that achieves an essential aspect in the lives of a wide segment of this society, comprised by the low and middle-income class. This is in harmony with the goals of the national housing strategy and in accordance with the law of the Public Housing and Urban Development Corporation No. (28) for the year 1992, and in alignment with the Jordan Vision 2025 regarding the aspect of achieving a decent life for the Jordanian citizen, which represents the basis and goal for our overall vision and mission at this institution.

Precision, integrity, transparency, creativity, innovation, and quality will form the fundamental pillars for the next phase. This phase relies on the principle of collaboration with the target group in the decision-making process regarding the creation of our future projects, and on active and real participation with the private sector in the field of housing enforcing a history of the corporation of over fifty years in this field that resulted in more than 332 projects that benifited many Jordanian families.

We recognize the magnitude of the need of a wide segment of those with low income to secure themselves with suitable housing, and which requires us to work diligently and in ways that surpass the traditional aspect of corporate performance. To the end of achieving this need which will contribute to realizing social security in its wide form, our ultimate goal, from beginning to end, is to achieve high levels of satisfaction for this segment that touch the indicators of happiness which we have always aspired to, hoping to achieve what we and this segment wish for on the land of this homeland.


Director General

Eng. Jomana Attyat

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